Peacock Bass fishing in Miami is starting to heat up. After two years of colder winters this year has been somewhat milder which will help the peacock bass recouperate after the slight fish kill. Miami still has canals that are producing decent catches of fish despite rumors that the fish were wiped out. This is not true evident of the 22 peacock bass caught yesterday by Steve Antoline and his buddy Frank. The fishing is still slower than usual but far from dead. I also had Lenny Sortino down in the beginning of February and he boated about 18 fish up to almost 4 lbs. For current fishing reports about Florida Peacock Bass fishing or lake Okeechobee e-mail me at or visit us at our new
Just another awesome last few weeks catching largemouth bass in South Florida on world famous Lake Okeechobee. Steve Antoline had one of the best bass fishing days of his life catching 20 bass with 10 of those fish over 5 lbs. Steve's best fish weighed about 8 lbs. Lake Okeechobee is still a world class bass fishing destination in south Florida. It still continues to produces both size and quantity of largemouth bass compared to any lake in the U.S. The best time to visit this beautiful lake is from December through May and trophy bass are caught year round. E-mail us for further information about fishing the South Florida Everglades, Lake Okeechobee or Miami for Peacock Bass.
Lake Okeechobee this spring has been awesome. We've had multiple trips this winter but have been lazy posting. Here's an example of the fish we've been catching with clients through out the winter. Robert & Kelly Cimato caught some beauties on wild shiners on the south side of Lake Okeechobee in January. Rob said that this trip has fulfilled his bucket list for bass fishing. Thanks Rob and I'm sure you'll be back visiting soon. Thanks
We have been fishing Florida since 1986 for largemouth bass and peacock bass. Our experience includes Lake Okeechobee, South Florida Everglades, and Ft. Lauderdale & Miami areas for peacock bass.